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Zayn Malik accused of hitting Gigi Hadid’s mom, Yolanda

Gigi Hadid’s mom, Yolanda Hadid, claims Zayn Malik «struck» her last week, and she’s strongly considering getting the police involved. Zayn, however, «adamantly» denies hitting the mother of his girlfriend.

«I adamantly deny striking Yolanda Hadid and for the sake of my daughter I decline to give any further details and I hope that Yolanda will reconsider her false allegations and move towards healing these family issues in private,» he told TMZ.

Prior to the denial, the website reported that the former «Real Housewives of Beverly Hills» star is telling friends the incident involving Zayn occurred last week, but the webloid doesn’t know what exactly triggered the alleged violence against Yolanda, the grandmother of Zayn’s daughter, Khai.


While claiming he didn’t hit Yolanda, the One Direction singer, who shares the 1-year-old with Gigi, had previously acknowledged that something occurred, saying in a statement that he hopes to keep family disagreements internal.

«As you all know I am a very private person and I very much want to create a safe and private space for my daughter to grow up in. A place where private family matters aren’t thrown on the world stage for all to poke and pick apart,» he wrote in an Oct. 28 Twitter post. «In an effort to protect that space for [my daughter] I agreed to not contest claims arising from an argument I had with a family member of my partner’s who entered our home while my partner was away several weeks ago.»

«This was and still should be a private matter but it seems for now there is divisiveness and despite my efforts to restore us to a peaceful family environment that will allow for me to co-parent my daughter in a manner in which she deserves, this has been ‘leaked’ to the press,» he continued. «I am hopeful though for healing for all involved with the harsh words shared and more importantly I remain vigilant to protect Khai and give her the privacy she deserves.

Gregory Pace/Shutterstock

While police have not looked into the incident, the website claims, «Yolanda’s inclination is to file a police report.»

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